14 January 2012

The Buzz ~ Quick Tips about Argan Oil

I first read about Moroccan Argan Oil on a blog post from Chris, of the Afro-Pean Queen blog. And since then, I have been seeing an increase of products on local shelves claiming to have this very same Argan Oil as an ingredient. So, I did some reading and compiled some facts.

Argan Oil facts
  • Is made from the nut of the Argan Tree
  • The tree is found primarily in Morocco
  • It is said to be one of the rarest and most expensive oils in the world
  • Traditionally, women from the Berber community would press the Argan nuts to produce the oil; quite a labour intensive job
  • It has a high percentage of Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, Phelnols and Vitamin E
Argan Oil benefits on Skin
  • Due to the high percentage of Vitamin E, Argan Oil has been proven to be excellent at healing scars and preventing sunburn
  • It is also considered an effective anti-aging agent by working to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks. It also aids in keeping the skin hydrated 
  • In addition to healing scared skin, it is reputed to help soothe dry eczema
  • The unsaturated fatty acids present in the oil are said to be an agent in keeping skin moisturized and reducing joint stiffness, as well
  • Protects the skin and the hair from harmful UV hairs
Argan Oil benefits on Hair
  • Argan Oil has properties similar to Jojoba Oil, in that both oils are great at moisturizing dry, brittle hair
  • It is goes deep into the hair shaft and improves the hair's elasticity
  • The antioxidants of this oil strengthens the protein bonding structures of the hair and repairs damaged ends 
  • Great for providing shine
  • Less likely to cause buildup as it is relatively a very light-weight oil and non-greasy
  • Promotes scalp care to promote hair growth
Links to more information:
Essence of Argan Reviews (Skin and Face)
Organic Argan (General overview)

I am yet to source this oil in Barbados. I am thinking that I may have to purchase it online instead. Will think it through some more.

Do you use organic Argan Oil? Or, have you used any organic products which has Argan Oil in it? What are your thoughts? What is it as effective as they say?