For the majority of her life, Sheena has always been a natural kinda girl.
But, she wanted a different way to wear her locs. So, she set the pace. Her own pace.
That has always been a characteristic of my cousin, Sheena.
No matter the area, she has sought to carve her own niche.
Even, with her locs! The funky lochawk!
Tell us about your hair journey thus far.
During my natural hair phase I've worn my hair locked on two different occasions. The first time was from 2001 - 2002. Since 2007, I've been wearing my hair in locs. I think locs are hot and sexy! Initially, my locs were started by Nubian Naturals. She did them in two-strand twists and pinned them up. When I got back to Canada, I got this lady to relock them by interlocking. Big mistake for me. She damaged my locs! It took the work of Nubian Naturals and then, Nola (thank God!) to nurse them back.
Tell us about your transition phase.
Luckily for me, transitioning has always happened when I was either in secondary school or university. While I was in secondary school, I did a big chop and wore baby locs. It was a brave and bold feat for me but it gave me a sense of confidence. The second time I went back natural, I was actually working but preparing to go back to university. At first, I wore afro-kinky twist braids (loved those) and sometimes a natural weave. Then, when my hair grew some more, I just wore afro puffs until I decided to loc my hair again. I've had locs now for four years.
Do you have a special routine - washing, products, etc?
When I was in university and prior to having locs, I would wash and retwist on my own. Then, with my locs, I go to the salon. I'm hooked on my stylist Nola! I don't do my hair on my own. For me, going to Nola is therapy. As it regards products, I might use a bit of loc and grow moisturizer. And I spray with Olive Oil to keep the style shiny and in place. Other than that, you would have to ask Nola :)
What is your fav loc style?
It would have to be the infamous mohawk...or lochawk! I was so inspired I cut off my front locs to achieve a funky hawk! I also like to experiment with colours. My last colour was blue. But now it is fading so I'm thinking of maybe something in the red colour zone.
Have you met with many negatives and/or positives since having being a natural hair chica?
Well, I think mostly positives. You see, I wear my locs a bit different to others, as you can see from the photos. I have a section to the front that is not in locs at all. I did it to be different. Honestly, when I was going to a big job interview at a large organization, I was a bit skeptical about having locs. Thank God I tossed those thoughts out the door! I don't think they even realised I wore locs until a while after I began working there.
One downside would have to be when they got longer fitting on clothes became a problem. When they are opened and free flowing you have the tendency to sit or lie them which hurts. OUCH!
One downside would have to be when they got longer fitting on clothes became a problem. When they are opened and free flowing you have the tendency to sit or lie them which hurts. OUCH!
Remember what I said? She sets the pace with her style! |
See the front section which she wears naturally unlocked. Not to mention the bold colour! |
What words of advice would you leave with someone who is thinking of transitioning to wearing their hair natural?