Samara has inherited my (at times) fragile hairline. In addition, her hair is still very much at the growing stage, especially at the back of her head. Texture wise, now this is the source of my fascination and yet my confusion. Fascination in that, this is where all the hype about curl pattern and the like becomes real to me. The top and sides are thick but very manageable, with a soft zigzag curl formation. The back and nape areas are much more stubborn and harder to deal with. So is the middle, it is the shortest area of all. Now, the confusion, is that the top and sides retain moisture so much better, whereas the back, center and nape areas do not. How can keep her hair moisturized?
Current regimen
Shampoo: Shea Moisture's Hibiscus and Coconut
Conditioner: Shea Moisture's Restorative Conditioner
Moisturizers/Daily hairdress: Within the last year, I have used Design Essentials Nutriment RX Creme Hairdress, as well as, Organic Root Stimulator Jojoba Oil hairdress (just don't like the smell of it). In either case, I was not getting the results I felt the situation demanded. So, definitely not the right products for the situation.
Daily hairstyles: Usually her hair is done in cornrows for school. And even then, one instance recently, it was braided too tightly (along the edges) and I am seeing how the temple areas are becoming light :( I can't cornrow, so I will usually do singles.
Treating the damage to hair line: I began being more consistent with applying ordinary Castor Oil to the area or my Dr. Miracle's Temple and Nape Balm. Now that I have the Grape seed oil, maybe I will mix a few drops of Castor oil and simply apply that instead.
Treating the damage to hair line: I began being more consistent with applying ordinary Castor Oil to the area or my Dr. Miracle's Temple and Nape Balm. Now that I have the Grape seed oil, maybe I will mix a few drops of Castor oil and simply apply that instead.
The Shampoo and Conditioner combo: I have no problem at all. After shampooing alone, I can see the difference in her hair. The curls do look more defined and her hair is much softer, even in the back and middle sections.
Now, this is where I need the help of the other mothers, caregivers, bloggers of little natural girl's hair topics, aunties, guardians, daddies, sisters!
I need suggestions and I am willing to change up the products I use. I am not sure how much success I will have in sourcing the products that might come in your suggestions, but for my daughter, nothing is too hard. I will do my best.
Suggestions on:
Daily moisturizer
Daily hair creme
Ideas on tackling the damage to the hair line
Conditioner and Shampoo
Here are some photos of Saturday's regime with the little one:
So, I am appealing to you to share your expertise and ideas.
I would so love to hear from you.
Thanks in advance!!
Ta ta ;)
Suggestions on:
Daily moisturizer
Daily hair creme
Ideas on tackling the damage to the hair line
Conditioner and Shampoo
Here are some photos of Saturday's regime with the little one:
So, I am appealing to you to share your expertise and ideas.
I would so love to hear from you.
Thanks in advance!!
Ta ta ;)